Tuesday 1 June 2021

Puberphonia,learned healplessness

 Often, learned helplessness in puberphonia begins in adulthood and mostly they recognise after talking with girls for dating.The puberphonia boy spent almost the entity of childhood in a perpetual state of rejection and fear almost at every turn. He thus began turning in wards for escape. He began compulsively feminizing himself. Initially there was no consciously sexual impulse driving it, although that would change after puberty kicked it.Some puberphonia people who aren’t comfortable with how they sound won’t speak in public or pick up a phone; others won’t go out at all.
Processes In Learned Helplessness
Uncontrollability seems to be associated with increases in negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, and depression, reduction in observable aggression, and increased arousal. Self-esteem is particularly susceptible to learned helplessness. Our research findings imply that individuals who experience noncontingent outcomes may become increasingly likely to display the helpless pattern. We have demonstrated that failure to avoid the aversive event was associated with subsequent failure at a cognitive task, and that failure at a cognitive task was associated with failure to avoid the aversive event, effectively establishing “cross-modal helplessness”—generalization from one type of task to another. This was crucial to the advancement of the theory.
These findings continue to support the idea of helplessness as a coherent set of deficits, rather than simply a task-specific problem. Individuals who demonstrate helpless patterns make statements suggesting that they believe themselves to be personally responsible for failure, to attribute their failures to stable circumstances, and to state that these characteristics encompass their whole selves. In other words, they seem to believe that they have failed because they are stupid, they are going to remain puberphonic, and everything they do is stupid—controllability, cognitions, and behavior. This pattern is often referred to as “explanatory style,” and much research has gone into supporting the idea that humans tend to use a particular style to explain both good and bad events.
Why does learned helplessness affect some puberphonia people and not others?
How to overcome learned helplessness in puberphonia?
( continue )

learned helplessness

What is Learned Helplessness in puberphonia treatment?
Puberphoniaia a learned helplessness is a behavior pattern involving a maladaptive response characterized by avoidance of challenges, negative affect, and the collapse of problem-solving strategies when obstacles arise. Three components are are playing a role in puberphonia boys mind, namely contingency, cognition, and behavior.
Contingency is is a creative idea that there is an identifiable relation between their voice and the environmental response, In our pubetphonia research, contingency is more often operationalized as its converse— uncontrollability—so that when an puberphonia boy speaks, there is no identifiable relation with a specific response. Cognitions are also necessary. These are thought of as the way one understands and explains contingency or lack thereof. How he explain environmental contingencies leads us to the third component of learned helplessness—behavior. Thus, learned helplessness exists in a situation in which there is no observable contingency and in which he expects that this uncontrollability will continue and behaves accordingly, such as by quitting.
Origins Of The Theory- The Elephant Rope A Motivational Story 
Elephants grow fast, of course. Before long, those cute babies are lumbering giants. But here's the thing: That same thin rope is all that's needed to keep them secured. They think the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free. Moral of the story: No matter how much the ENT Surgeons tries to bring achieve the high pitch voice puberphnia boys, always continue with the belief that what you want, to achieve high pitch voice to low pitch voice is not possible. Believing you can become successful is the most important step in actually achieving it.

Sunday 30 May 2021

9 doors, membranaphones mechanism treat Puberphonia

– puberphonia treatment by resonating various doors ( 9 doors) in the pharynx and mouth.
Breathe in and out gently through your nose if you can. If you cannot, breathe through your mouth instead. This is a manoeuvre used to move air, mobilised by deep breathing/thoracic expansion exercises, downstream towards the mouth. A huff (blow out air loudly) is exhaling through an open mouth and throat instead of coughing. Huffing helps moves air from the small airways to the larger airways. Puberphonia boy is requested to shout with open mouth. The voice should come from soft palate, not from the larynx. He can continue to practice with the thread inside the mouth. Regular voice therapy makes a permanent male voice. The important of  our therapy: The voice should come from the tooth, lip, tongue, nose and palate. Not from the larynx. Human voice has both a vibrating mechanism and a resonating mechanism. The vibrating mechanism by soft palate is the source of the sound waves, and the resonating mechanism in the nasal cavity refines, augments and amplifies those sound waves giving the low pitch character. The principle is a membranophones, such as drums or parai, means 'to speak' , which produce sound by a vibrating membrane. The percussion sticks is uvula, used are two in number and named after the quality of the sound they generate. The thin slender percussion stick is called “sunddu kucchi” (high pitch) and the other thick relatively shorter stick is called “adi kucchi” (base note). In current times, Parai is considered a musical art to express freedom.

Wednesday 26 May 2021

Puberphonia treatment in Tamil litrature

கடலில் வாழ்தாலும் நீரை தேடும் மீன்கள் நாங்கள்!
        ஔவையார் அருளிய விநாயகர் அகவல்
   பேறா நிறுத்திப் பேச்சுரை அறுத்தே?-Puberphonia

       உவட்டா உபதேசம் புகட்டிஎன் செவியில்
         "மூன்றுமண் டலத்தின் முட்டிய தூணின்
          நான்றெழு பாம்பின் நாவில் உணர்த்தி"
          காலால் எழுப்பும் கருத்தறி வித்தே
          புரியட்ட காயம் புலப்பட எனக்கு
          என்னை அறிவித்து எனக்கருள் செய்து
          வித்தக விநாயக! விரை கழல் சரணே!.


உந்தி முதலா முந்து வளி தோன்றி
தலையினும் மிடற்றினும் நெஞ்சினும் நிலைஇ
பல்லும் இதழும் நாவும் மூக்கும்
அண்ணமும் உளப்பட எண் முறை நிலையான்

ladies speech

ஓங்காரி என்பாள் அவளொரு பெண்பிள்ளை
நீங்காத பச்சை நிறத்தை உடையவள்
ஆங்காரி யாகியே ஐவரைப் பெற்றிட்டு
ரீங்காரத் துள்ளே இனிதிருந் தாளே. திருமந்திரம்-1073.
ஓயாத சப்தமாக இருப்பதால் ஓங்காரி ஆகவும், புதியன படைப்பதால் பெண்பிள்ளை ஆகவும், அவள் மாறாத பச்சை வண்ணத்தால் ஆனவள். செயல்திறன் கொண்டு ஐந்து பூதங்களைப் பெற்று ரீங்காரத்தில் இனிமையாக இருந்தாள். பின்குறிப்பு – இறைமையை பெண்மையாக பார்ப்பதும் சரியே.
                       (Puberphonia treatment in my mind)

Tuesday 5 January 2021

A new book by Dr.M.Kumaresan

Dear Sir/ Madam, NEW BOOK
I am doing a small treatment for puberphonia/boys talking in female tone. The treatment is based on uvula manipulation-my own finding. I want go, a further one step.
My research is only puberphonia and treated 600 cases of puberphonia. (100 puberphonia are waiting in this corona vacation) -kindly see my published articles and the  you tube-  AHaktHeOEk0  - live recording, done by me.
The vocal tract ultra sound study will show the shape which possibly will give clues about the uvula, tongue movements on phonation and the pressure changes in different cavities. This topic helps with creating a sense of focus on my paper."
The organ for treatment is UVULA and not Vocal cords, which all try to treat and end in poor result.
I like to do a study in the above mentioned subject. Kindly give your opinion for research attachment available and the procedure to follow.
Below is the Contents of my research work. Kindly see the you tube video , 3 minuts only and give tour openion.
Uvula manipulation and resonance (UMAR) treatment for puberphonia 
1. How to do UMAR treatment, (a) Fast track of achieving the low pitch from high voice.
(b) Training to habituate the usage of low pitch voice.
2. Biomechanical and physical process of the uvula in puberphonia treatment, the correct scene to    understand the whole mechanism
தொல்காப்பியம் ஒரு விரிவான  உச்சரிப்பு  ஒலிப்பை  விளக்குகிறது,  கொடுக்கிறது
3. How we discovered the importance of voice modulation by knowing the importance of pharynx and its holes.  The art of finding the target voice; help in developing and improving voice.
வாயில் புகுந்து காது வழியாக வெளியே  வரும் ஹனுமான் -  அங்கணமாக  விளங்கும் தொண்டையில் நிறைய துளைகள்
4. Our experience of sex identification of lady boys at Battaya beach at Thailand.
5.  Vinayagar Agaval  song  by Avvaiyar and  are  all about  practices  for  voice care
விநாயகர் அகவல்  -முழுக்க முழுக்க இருப்பது  குரல் வழ  முறைகள்
6. Recognizing the importance of cone hall resonance in river Thamaravarni at Thirunelveli  Sanku Mandabam `
தாமிரபரணி ஆற்றின் நடுவே கல் மண்டபம் ஒன்று இருக்கிறது. புயல், வெள்ளத்த கண்டுபிடிக்க ஆற்றுக்கு தாமிரபரணி ஆற்றின் நடுவே கல் மண்டபம் ஒன்று இருக்கிறது. புயல், வெள்ளத்த கண்டுபிடிக்க ஆற்றுக்கு நடுவே கட்டப்பட்ட கல் மண்டபங்கள்). நடுவே கட்டப்பட்ட கல் மண்டபங்கள்).
7. Successful life of puberphonia high pitch voice singer Mickel Jackson, Palam Kalyanasundaram, few rulers  and polititions
8. Nerve to uvula preservation in cleft palate repair surgery, causes no velopharyngeal dysfunction during speech and velopharyngeal insufficiency.
9. The mechanism of pitch change in the voice- which organ to be treated in puberphonia?
‘ஓம்’  பிறக்கும் சொல் தொண்டைத் தீண்டாமல் நாக்கு  மேல் வாயின்  மூலமாய் பிறக்கும். (Open throat voice  is “ om”word)
10. Uvula a specific speech organ and its manipulation treat puberphonia
11.  Puberphonia cure centre , eradication program and workshop.
12. Puberphonia ENT Research • Education Program
Puberphonia camp, Identification by trained volunteers at village level for census. Uplifting Society by Providing Innovative Solutions: A study of puberphonia, a Social Entrepreneurship in India.
Puberphonia camp, Identification by trained volunteers at village level for census
13. Googling and yorker speech air flow to treat puberphonia.
14. Chiropractice for puberphonia
15.  Study of uvula and tongue movement and air flow on speech by MRI / Ultra sound/Contrast X-Ray and this work is to go beyond to suggest the role of phonetics and prosody. Deva Neya Pavanar initiated the Etymological Dictionary Project primarily to bring out the roots of Tamil words and their connections and ramifications
16. UMAR principle for retroflex voices. Unearthing the UMAR effect of air power of uvula manipulation and resilience in tongue
17.  What we count as meaningful in our vision, we get enthusiasm,  ardor, warm and excited feeling like fitful , find answers, solve problems, get inspired  in developing a new treatment for puberphonia
Thanking you,you tube-  AHaktHeOEk0  - See the video and give your openion
Prof. Dr. M. Kumaresan MS(DLO), ENT Surgeon.
Website: www.sivaent.com
E-mail: kumaresan@doctor.com
Cellular / Handphone: +91 9841055774

94(New No:159), Avvai Shanmugam Salai (Lloyds' Road),
Royapettah, Chennai- 600 014, India.
Phone : (044) 28116807

295(New No:136), Quaid-e-Milleth Salai (Triplicane High Road),
Triplicane, Chennai- 600 005, India.
Phone : (044) 28546086

Monday 28 December 2020

Puberphonia Education program

Greetings from SIVA ENT Hospital Private Limited!!!
Innovative SIVA ENT Hospital Private Limited is a eradication center for exclusively puberphonia care provider with more than a decade of experience.   It may interest to note that, we       conducted every Saturday we conducted free online medical services in past 1 year. During the Lockdown period we stoped our activity.
We are planning to host live webinar series on “Puberphonia Eradication  Program” on 3rd January, Saturday 3 pm to 4 pm-on wards-every Saturday..
Key Learning’s:
1.  How to do UMAR treatment, (a) Fast track of achieving the low pitch from high voice.
(b) Training to habituate the usage of low pitch voice.
2. Biomechanical and physical process of the uvula in puberphonia treatment, the correct scene to  understand the whole mechanism
தொல்காப்பியம் ஒரு விரிவான  உச்சரிப்பு  ஒலிப்பை  விளக்குகிறது,  கொடுக்கிறது
3. How we discovered the importance of voice       modulation by knowing the importance of pharynx and its holes. The art of finding the target voice; help in developing and improving voice.
வாயில் புகுந்து காது வழியாக வெளியே  வரும் ஹனுமான் - அங்கணமாக விளங்கும் தொண்டையில் நிறைய துளைகள்
4. Our experience of sex identification of lady boys at Battaya beach at Thailand.
5.  Vinayagar  Agaval song by Avvaiyar and are all about practices for voice care
விநாயகர் அகவல் -முழுக்க முழுக்க இருப்பது குரல் வழ முறைகள்
6. Recognizing the importance of cone hall resonance       in river Thamaravarni at Thirunelveli Sanku Mandabam `
தாமிரபரணி ஆற்றின் நடுவே கல் மண்டபம் ஒன்று இருக்கிறது. புயல், வெள்ளத்த கண்டுபிடிக்க ஆற்றுக்கு தாமிரபரணி ஆற்றின் நடுவே கல் மண்டபம் ஒன்று இருக்கிறது. புயல், வெள்ளத்த கண்டுபிடிக்க ஆற்றுக்கு நடுவே கட்டப்பட்ட கல் மண்டபங்கள்).       நடுவே கட்டப்பட்ட கல் மண்டபங்கள்).
7. Successful life of puberphonia high pitch voice singer Mickel Jackson, Palam Kalyanasundaram, few rulers and polititions
8. Nerve to uvula preservation in cleft palate repair       surgery, causes no velopharyngeal dysfunction during speech and velopharyngeal insufficiency.
9. The mechanism of pitch change in the voice-       which organ to be treated in puberphonia?
‘ஓம்’ பிறக்கும் சொல் தொண்டைத் தீண்டாமல் நாக்கு மேல் வாயின் மூலமாய் பிறக்கும். (Open throat voice is “ om”word)
10. Uvula a specific speech organ and its manipulation treat puberphonia
11.  Puberphonia cure centre ,eradication program and workshop.
12. Puberphonia camp, Identification by trained  volunteers at village level for census
13. Googling and yorker speech air flow to treat puberphonia.
14. Chiropractice for puberphonia
15. A study of uvula and tongue movement and air flow on speech by MRI / Ultrasound/Contrast X-Ray and this work is to go beyond to suggest the role of phonetics and prosody.
16. UMAR principle for retroflex voices. Unearthing       the UMAR effect of air power of uvula manipulation and resilience in       tongue
17. What we count as meaningful in our vision, we get enthusiasm,  ardor, warm and excited feeling like fitful , find answers, solve problems, get inspired  in developing a new treatment for puberphonia.
Send your full bio data to Register : kumaresan@doctor.com
(Certificate will be provided on the merits conducted by us)
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I'd love to set up a time to walk you through a personalized demo. Would you have some free time to connect?