Tuesday 1 June 2021

Puberphonia,learned healplessness

 Often, learned helplessness in puberphonia begins in adulthood and mostly they recognise after talking with girls for dating.The puberphonia boy spent almost the entity of childhood in a perpetual state of rejection and fear almost at every turn. He thus began turning in wards for escape. He began compulsively feminizing himself. Initially there was no consciously sexual impulse driving it, although that would change after puberty kicked it.Some puberphonia people who aren’t comfortable with how they sound won’t speak in public or pick up a phone; others won’t go out at all.
Processes In Learned Helplessness
Uncontrollability seems to be associated with increases in negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, and depression, reduction in observable aggression, and increased arousal. Self-esteem is particularly susceptible to learned helplessness. Our research findings imply that individuals who experience noncontingent outcomes may become increasingly likely to display the helpless pattern. We have demonstrated that failure to avoid the aversive event was associated with subsequent failure at a cognitive task, and that failure at a cognitive task was associated with failure to avoid the aversive event, effectively establishing “cross-modal helplessness”—generalization from one type of task to another. This was crucial to the advancement of the theory.
These findings continue to support the idea of helplessness as a coherent set of deficits, rather than simply a task-specific problem. Individuals who demonstrate helpless patterns make statements suggesting that they believe themselves to be personally responsible for failure, to attribute their failures to stable circumstances, and to state that these characteristics encompass their whole selves. In other words, they seem to believe that they have failed because they are stupid, they are going to remain puberphonic, and everything they do is stupid—controllability, cognitions, and behavior. This pattern is often referred to as “explanatory style,” and much research has gone into supporting the idea that humans tend to use a particular style to explain both good and bad events.
Why does learned helplessness affect some puberphonia people and not others?
How to overcome learned helplessness in puberphonia?
( continue )

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