Thursday 5 September 2019

A Blessing

Tq a layman ur responce Happy.You r only the lighting the puberphonia patients to giving bright  his/her life.As u r dedicated service as humanity basis u r the great man in the world. in future u r create a record without puberphonia in tamilnadu in youth life.Once again my salute  in ur broad  minded  mentality. Basically u r in india's  freedom fighters family.keep it up always . Kumar.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

A message

Great job sir
u r incredibly talented and God gifted. U r a true gift yo humanity. I feel some kind of fatherly affection in your eyes.  I am suffering from Puberphonia for last 16-17 years. I wish I pray i believe that someday my problem of speaking in high pitch voice would be rectified and would lead a relaxed and a prosperous life.

Monday 2 September 2019

Puberphonia,God GANESH Blessing

Dear Sir, Thanks for your Article in Nalam. Heartiest Congrats on your Achievement in capability of Rectifying Vocal Issues in Just 30mins. It’s really Appreciable you highlight our Tholkapiyam in Chicago in World Tamil Maanaadu which gave info about bupropiona 5000yrs Back. Happy to know your Research accepted by various Global Medical Research scientists. Thanks sir- Praising you for all your efforts and contribution to our Society. On this Special Auspicious day May Lord Ganesha Bless you and family with all wealth, Good Health and Happiness. Anbudan - 😊 Kannan

Friday 30 August 2019

Puberphonia is a reasonable disorder

This category is referred in the literature by a number of names: adolescent falsetto,puberscent falsetto, incomplete mutation,juvenile resonance disorder, little girl's voice and mutational falsetto,to name a few.We preferred to use resonance mutation.We have chosen to use puberphonia (not as the most desirable, but as the least objectionable) in our work , because it suggests the developmental stage at which the problem is encountered (puberty) and tells us that it involves the voice (phone).
Still we prefer resonance disorder to make it clear that it is not due to hormanal disorder.